Accessible Information
Written Communications
If you need any letters or information in another format, or if you need help communicating with us, please let us know. Examples include letters in large print or easy read format, or using a British Sign Language interpreter.
If your needs change, please let us know so that we can update your record.
It is our policy to respect the privacy and dignity of our patients. If you would like a chaperone to be present in your consultation, please let our reception team know as soon as you arrive for your appointment.
Interpreting Service
If you use sign language then arrangements can be made for a British Sign Language Interpreter to attend your appointment. An interpreting service is also available to patients whose first language is not English. Please ask about these services when making your appointment.

Website Accessibility
By clicking this icon on any of the website pages you will open an accessibility menu to help you read and navigate through our website.

We also have a choice to translate our web pages by clicking this icon (found in the navigation bar at the top of the page).